Practical Exams

Preparatory Test : There is no pass or fail in this exam. During the exam the examiner takes notes regarding the student’s performance and shares these with the student after the exam. During the exam the examiner also signs the Preparatory Books belonging to the student. The 3 practice pieces in the book are  to be played by heart. One of the mandatory pieces from the book must be played, as well as one that has been chosen. At the end of the exam some simple questions are asked from the `auditory games` section at the back of the book. Upon completion, the student is presented with a certificate by the examiner.

Performance Assessment for Adults : This exam may be taken by candidates  aged 21 and above. The Auditory,Scale, Arpeggio and Deciphering categories are not included.

Practical Grade Exams: These consist of 8 grades. Candidates do not have to take the exam for each grade or take the exams in a certain order. However, the candidates must have a successful score and certificate from the 5th grade of Practical Musicianship in order to take the 6th,7th,or 8th Grade Practical Exam. This certificate must be included in the application form when applying for the exam.

Candidates with special needs: ABRSM provides assistance for students  with special needs such as blindness, deafness, autism etc.

The 1st and 5th grade piano exams may be viewed at this address:

The accreditation institute  OFQUAL  has determined how many credits have been assigned for each grade. You may visit this address to find out the amount of credits assigned to the exams you take:

Please contact us when you decide to take the exam.